10 year materials guarantee – GRP gritting material container from CEMO
Many suppliers now offer containers for gritting materials. But none of these come close to the quality offered by CEMO. Making your gritting material well protected and ready for use in any weather. The new generation of gritting material containers PLUS3 brings 3 further plus points in terms of handling and assembly.

Sustainability for communities
Advantages of lasting benefit to the environment
Only purchase once
Easy to repair
Dispose of just once
Our products
Strong communities for more sustainability

Overview winter maintenance products
Municipalities are also important in the implementing of global sustainability goals. In many areas, stakeholders and experts have discussed the challenges and opportunities for cities and municipalities. The most significant result: even those with little money can make a big difference.
CEMO's winter maintenance products combine durable use and high quality. They are therefore sustainable and also cost-effective in the long run.

GRP gritting material container
- 20 years of useful life, 10-year materials guarantee
- Durable, stable, rust-free, salt-resistant
- Impact resistant, "hammer proof"
- Temperature resistant, UV resistant
- Gritting material protected against water and moisture
- Perfect handling

Grit spreader
- Durable stainless steel and composite materials
- Robust gearboxes
- Adjustable spreading quantities and widths
- Mounted spreaders up to 300 litres

GRP snow shovel
- High quality snow shovel with solid aluminium edge
- Absolutely corrosion resistant
- No sticking of snow due to smooth surface
- Ergonomic and efficient work
- High, strong side edge

Spray caddy
- Industry standard, liquid, water-based de-icing agents
- Electric pump 12 V, battery and charger
- Spray lance with flat jet nozzle
- 8 m spiral hose

Products from CEMO can contribute to this.
Strong communities for greater sustainability
Less CO2emissions, a socially acceptable lifestyle, consumption that conserves resources: In order for sustainability criteria to be effective nationwide and in the long term, ideas and measures are needed that can be implemented by all citizens. The cities and municipalities have a key role to play here. "Sustainability is a municipal, a regional task," says Susanne Dähner from the Berlin Institute for Population and Development.

Products from CEMO can contribute to this.
Strong communities for greater sustainability
Municipal representatives have long been aware of how diverse the challenges are. But sustainability aspects are playing an increasingly important role in local politics. Both demographic change and economic conditions need to be taken into account. But: A lack of money in municipal coffers is not an obstacle.

Sustainability and appreciation
Gain a little insight into our everyday family work and learn more about sustainability and appreciation at CEMO.